大足谷の「大」については、推測ながら、「大葦」つまり背の高い葦が群生していたのではあるまいか。「葦」について、郡上では「足」のほか「芦」「蘆」が使われる。 髭じいさん
It is a small administrative unit in Nabi, and is normally read as ”Oashidani.” It’s a place name I’ve heard many times since I started coming to Nabi, and I’ve actually visited it several times. I think there was a small village with the same name nearby.
When I went a little further up the valley, I found a well-maintained mountain road halfway up. It seems that it used to be a road to cross a mountain pass, and people would have come and gone and money would also have come and gone, so I remember thinking that ”ashi” was the same as ”oashi,” which means money. Of course, no basis could be found. Years have passed without this being taken seriously. I don’t want the process to end without achieving any results, so I have been collecting examples from Gujo in recent years. It’s a bit of a challenge, so I’d like to show it off.
In Hachiman, there are official small units, Ashidani in Ichishima and Ondani, and Ashidaniguchi in Miyama. In all of these, ”ashi” is written as ”足 foot.”
Examples that seem to be related to these are the katakana place name Ashidani in Wara Dokyo, and the name Ashidani in Hachiman Asahi. If you pay attention to the word ”谷” that is common to ” 足谷,” ” アシ谷,” and ” 葦谷,” you will find that they are the names of the valleys and surrounding areas. So I wondered if ”ashi” are plants that grow naturally in valleys. In other words, isn’t Asahi’s 葦谷 the original form?
So why was it written as ”足” in kanji or ”アシ” in katakana instead of ”葦 reed”? I have written about this point before, so to briefly review it. ”葦 reed” is sometimes associated with ”悪 ashi badness ”of ”goodness and badness. ”, so it might be changed to the word like”吉 yoshi goodness”, ”芳 yoshi good luck”, or changed to the voiced sound ”味 aji taste ”. In the case of ”足”, the sound does not change, so it may be that they simply changed the letters. The reason why the place names in Dokyo were changed to katakana is probably because these circumstances are no longer known.
This archipelago is called the ”Land of Ashihara Mizuho ” and is a land symbolized by beautiful reed fields and abundant water, and there seems to be no reason to dislike reeds. However, when it comes to actually cultivating reed beds, they become stubborn weeds, and if they grow in clumps in valleys, they can obstruct the flow of water, which can be a nuisance.
As for the ”大” part of 大足谷, I can only speculate that it may have been the result of clumps of ”large reeds,” or tall reeds. Regarding ”葦”, in addition to ”足”, ”芦” and ”蘆” are also used in Gujo.