こちらへ引っ越してきた四五十年ほど前にはゴキブリは殆んどいなかったように思う。部屋が暖かいからか、これも去年の暮に台所で見つけた。 髭じいさん
Stink bug riot
It is rare to see stink bugs during the cold season. However, the other day, I heard a buzzing sound at work. I didn’t expect it, but it turned out to be a stink bug. I was surprised because I thought it was hibernating.
During this time of year when there is a lot of snow, the room temperature rises as the heating is turned on vigorously. The hibernating stink bugs may have misunderstood this and resumed their activities.
Last Friday, a family of my children returned home to go skiing. It was getting quite cold and the snow quality seemed to be good, so They were looking forward to it. It was the first lively night in a while. After finishing the conversation early and moving to the bedroom, they were making a fuss.
When I heard my grandson come down a little excited and quickly explain the situation, it seemed like a stink bug landed next to his head. Feeling strange, he brushed it off and the typical smell permeated his head and face. Then, he rushed downstairs. He wiped it thoroughly and the smell was almost gone, so he went back to the bedroom.
After a while, the stink bug was wrapped in multiple layers of tissue paper and taken away. When I received it, I wrapped it furthermore in a tissue and threw it in the trash. After a short while, I heard laughter, so it was good for now.
Modern homes are highly airtight, leaving little room for stink bugs to enter. However, in my house, there are gaps everywhere. With the stink bug’s flimsy appearance, there seems to be room for it to sneak in here and there.
How do you catch stink bugs? It varies from person to person, and as far as I know, it’s hard to say.
In Gujo, there may be many people who stick their bags together with duct tape and wrap them inside. With this method, it seems that you can catch them without emitting any odor. Even if it does emit a smell, it won’t cause much damage because it can be sealed tightly. Therefore, duct tape becomes a necessity during the summer.
Some people regularly use plastic bottles. The mouth of the plastic bottle is just the right size, so it can be easily stored and quickly capped without exciting the stink bugs. They recommended this. I’ve never done it because I’m worried about what happens after I put it in.
Some people open the window and wait patiently, but I’m not that patient. Mosquitoes and moths may enter through open windows, so this is also not an option.
I use tissue paper. Wait for the stink bug to stop somewhere, then place a tissue in front of him and ask him to walk away. That’s all. It seems to have a firm grip on soft objects, so it never leaves the tissue until it reaches the window. If you put this in the window, it will slowly escape.
I think there were almost no cockroaches when I moved here about 45 years ago. Maybe it’s because the room is warm, but I also found this in the kitchen late last year. Higejiisan