彼女は娘さんと二人暮らしで恵まれている。他方でボケてしまったり病気で寝込んでしまえば、娘さんが簡単に仕事へ出られなくなってしまう。娘さんからも言われているように、天気の良い日は家の周りを歩いたりするそうな。 気になったのは彼女が何回か「女二人で、底辺の暮らしをしている」と言ったことである。「何言ってるの、底辺なのは私の方だよ」と力強く言い返してみた。二人ともアハハと笑う。
『莊子』に「人生天地之閒 若白駒之過卻 忽然而已」(外篇 知北遊篇第二十二・05)という文句があった。彼にとって人生は若い白馬が隙間を過ぎるようなものらしい。光陰矢の如しはこれより更に早い。私の人生を走馬灯に描くとすれば、是非トンボを飛ばせたい。オニヤンマでもよいし、極楽トンボでも構わない。大急ぎで生きて来たきらいがあるものの、ゴールが近いことで何かしら安堵している。老いた馬としてもう少し楽しもうか。 髭じいさん
Time flies like an arrow
It’s a sentence that expresses how short life is, and for some reason it crossed my mind, so I decided to stop and take a look. This morning, I received a phone call from a senior who is now 90 years old. We play Go once or twice a week, and we’ve known each other for quite some time. This is a request to vote in the municipal election, and a communication regarding a previous request. I’ve gotten used to it because I get requests from agencies all over the place. He is the oldest person in this district, and his message was asking me to vote for the candidate he supports. He said it was his last request, but when I asked him what he would do if there was another election, he replied, “Well, at that time, I’d say it’s my last, last request.” He is quite old.
Last weekend, when I woke up in the morning and was doing my usual gymnastics, I saw an old woman waving hands in the distance. In response, I waved as well. For some reason, this day she approached me and said, “Happy New Year.” I felt it that she was finally out of touch, but apparently that wasn’t the case. Although we had met several times since the New Year, she remembered that she had not greeted me properly. Good grief.
She is blessed to live with her daughter. On the other hand, if she becomes absent-minded or falls ill in bed, it won’t be easy for her daughter to go to work. As her daughter has told her, she often walks around her house on nice days. What caught my attention was that she said several times, “Two women, living on the bottom.” “What are you talking about? I am the one at the bottom,” I retorted forcefully. Both of us laughed out loudly.
People study hard and become successful. In my case, I thought I became a full-fledged person when I was in my mid-thirties, or when I was able to work smoothly and return all of my scholarships. I still wasn’t quite as good as a normal person though. To my surprise, I was able to live well for several decades without any serious illness.
There is a phrase in “Zhuangzi” that says, ‘ Men’s life between heaven and earth is like a white colt’s passing a crack, and suddenly disappearing .’ (Knowledge Rambling in the North 22 05)
For him, life seems to be like a young white horse passing through a crevice. The light and shadow is even faster than this. If I were to depict my life on a somato, I would definitely like to fly a dragonfly. It doesn’t matter if it’s an oni-yamma or a gokuraku tombo dragonfly. Although I have been living in a hurry, I feel relieved that my goal is near. Let’s enjoy it a little more as an old horse.