子育ての終わった世代はやはり神楽に目が行くようである。神楽といえば、もう結構前の情景がよく浮かぶ。もう何年前になるだろう、明宝寒水の祭だった。友人の誘いがあり、何度かお邪魔したことがある。最後に行った時の事だったか。彼の母親を含め一家で食事をしているところへお邪魔していると、笛や太鼓の音が聞こえてきた。彼女が昔を思いやるような、遠くを見るような表情で聞き入っていたのが印象深かった。音が彼女の皮膚にしみこむような感じがした。彼女が亡くなったのはそれから間もなくだったように記憶している。彼女が病院通いをしているのは知っていたが、あの時には病状が相当悪かったのかも知れない。 髭じいさん
Kagura sound
A lively spring festival was held in Gujo Hachiman on Saturday and Sunday. The atmosphere is a little different from last year, when the shadow of the new coronavirus was overshadowed. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s brimming with excitement, it does give off a sense of fluffiness among the young and the old alike.
On Saturday afternoon, a large Kagura performance from Hiyoshi Shrine was performed in front of my house. It is authentic kagura, with a lion dance, a brave boy rustling, and Okame and Hyottoko dancers. There have been times when I’ve gotten into trouble, but I don’t dislike Kagura. A lot of things happen when you get to this age.
One thing that suddenly came to mind was that the sounds of Kagura’s flutes and drums were ingrained in my mind. From now on, I won’t be able to meet Kagura many times, every year. I feel like it’s about time for it to come, but for some reason I feel like It’s not reaching the bottom of my heart.
One is that I came here in my late twenties, so I no longer had the burning passion of my youth. The stalls at the Honganchi festival were huge and dangerous for children to carry. I don’t know when it happened, but when I was finally able to carry the pole, I felt a sense of elation as if I was helping others.
My eldest grandchild was born and raised in Nagoya and moved to Hachiman in the early grade of elementary school. Fortunately, he was accepted by the town, and he always attended the spring festival. I don’t know how he feels about the festival now. However, since he is deeply involved in Gujo Odori, there is no doubt that he also has a nostalgic feeling for mikoshi and kagura.
I don’t know what it was like in the past, but I think it was already a festival centered on children around the time I came here. Each generation with children decided on a theme in each town and worked with the children to build the mikoshi. As expected from a castle town, there were craftsmen in each part, and there were many good ones, including electrical decorations. This year, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe were created in our small town. I thought it was because of the Olympics being held in Paris, but apparently that wasn’t the case. It was built to commemorate two French people who moved into our town for unrelated reasons. The electric decorations seemed to be quite good as well.
The generation that has finished raising children seems to be paying attention to Kagura. When I think of Kagura, scenes from a long time ago often come to mind. How many years ago was the Meiho Kanomizu Festival? I was invited by a friend and I visited him several times. Was it the last time I went there? While I was visiting his family, including his mother, having a meal, I heard the sound of flutes and drums. I was impressed by the way she listened with such a distant look on her face, as if she was thinking about her past. The sound seemed to sink into her skin. I remember it was not long before she passed away. I knew that she had been going to the hospital, but her condition might have been quite bad at that time.