数日こまめに練習していると、それなりに音が出るようになった。ただ、前に出ていた高音がかすれる。昔から奏でていた曲の高音部になると、きれいな音が出ないし、努力すればするほど音程がずれる。焦って別の曲にしても同じ。昔に戻す必要はないのに、何故か拘ってしまう。もう事ここに至ればぼちぼち口ずさんで、戻ればよし、戻らぬも又よしでいく他あるまい。 髭じいさん
I have never had anything to do with musical instruments in my life. I think I may have played the recorder in elementary school, but I’m not sure. I don’t have any clear memories of having my own harmonica or guitar.
The other day, a junior high school student suddenly asked me to whistle. He pretended to whistle, but he couldn’t . I knew he was serious, so I tried to whistle too.
There is a story behind this. A long time ago, he happened to hear me whistling and asked me to teach him how to whistle because he wanted to learn the way. I remember that I actually whistled and showed him the shape of my mouth. I don’t know if he practiced hard after that.
However, when I tried to play, I couldn’t make any sound. Maybe it was because I hadn’t played for a while. For some reason, I started to get anxious. I’d been playing since I was a child, so I guess it was a shock to suddenly not be able to play anymore. I thought I should be able to play, but when I tried really hard, the sound just didn’t come out. There was nothing I could do then, so I gave up.
Even after I got home, I couldn’t get this out of my head. I wonder if there’s something that makes the sound harder as I get older, but I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out: I went back and forth. I couldn’t whistle at home, so I continued to feel uneasy.
Finally, Whisling appeared in my dreams and I was practicing to whistle again. But that was not the case. I woke up in the middle of the night and actually practiced whistling.
As we age, our eyes and ears deteriorate more noticeably. In my case, my teeth are also falling apart, probably because I didn’t take good care of them. Every day, I feel the decline not only of my physical abilities but also of my sensory organs. Now that I’ve added whistling to the mix, I feel like I’ve come this far.
After practicing diligently for a few days, I was able to produce a reasonable sound. However, the high pitched sounds that I had made before became faint. When I get to the high notes of the songs I’ve played for a long time, I can’t produce a beautiful sound, and the more I try, the more out of tune I get. It’s the same even when I rush into playing a different song. There’s no need to go back to the old days, but for some reason I got stuck on it. At this point, I’ve no choice but to hum along and think, if I do go back, that’s good, but if I don’t, that’s good too.