1 ムロ(室)の転、ウロと通ず。2 ユムロ(湯室)。3 茶の湯のフロ(風炉)。
今のところ、この「フ」になぜ「風」を当てたのか案がない。『播磨風土記』讃容郡条に「室原山 風を屏(さ)ふること、室の如し」とあり、或いはこのような連想があったかも知れない。 髭じいさん
Huro (1)
Looking back, especially when I was younger, I wasn’t a big fan of taking baths. In the summer, a lukewarm shower is enough, but in the winter, it’s a pain to have to go out of your way to get out of a warm place, take off your clothes, and then take a bath. Having said that, I think that ever since I moved here, I’ve started to have a special feeling towards hot springs.
This time, I would like to focus on the name of a place rather than the bath that we take on a daily basis. A friend of mine was looking for small characters in Nara Prefecture, and he asked me some difficult questions. There was a place name for ”Huro bath” in it, so I decided to think about it since it was a good opportunity. If I didn’t have these connections, I don’t think I would have had the motivation to do it. This is because I have my hands full in Gujo.
There are over 300 small characters for ”Huro”, mainly in Yoshino, but also in the former Shiki, Katsuragi, and Uda counties, and the origins and etymology of the word are rather interesting. When I roughly organize the examples, I find that there are about 8 cases where only ”Huro” is used, about 20 cases where ”〇〇 Huro” is used, and all others are ”bath〇〇”, which already feels strange.
Looking at the research that has been done so far, it seems that there are almost no examples of actual hot springs or baths, and that there are many places related to some kind of faith, such as shrines or hokora small shrines.
I couldn’t get an idea from just this, so I wanted to change my perspective and compare the topography, but Nara is far away and I can’t think of any research books on the subject. When we search for the origins of the word, we find that there are three main ones:
1. Muro (room) is the same as Uro. 2 Yumuro (bathroom). 3 Tea ceremony huro (風炉 huuro).
Since it is centered around Yoshino, I suspect that the origin of this place name is quite old. Before the early Edo period, steam baths were the norm, and the current form of soaking in hot water only became popular after the middle of the same period, so I don’t think a bath room would be a good fit, and the tea ceremony, which dates back to the Warring States period, is not enough.
As for muro (room), if we understand it as a permanent facility where ancestors worshiped, it makes sense that it is related to faith, and I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to think about the phonology.
There is not much space here, so I will briefly explain it as follows. The ”mu” and ”bu” in ”muro” and ”buro” may be transposed, such as ”manba”, ”bamba”, ”musha”, and ”bushi”. However, Japanese words that begin with the letter ”ba” are rare, and will probably be pronounced as ”hu” instead of ”bu”.
The reason why it was called ”Huro” instead of ”Muro” is because ”Muro” is an important religious facility, and I have the impression that the winners had a strong influence on the losers. This point will be discussed again.
As of now, I have no idea why I decided to use the word “風” instead of “hu”. In the Sayo Gun section of Harima Fudoki, it is written, ”Mount Murohara: folding the wind is like muro ” or there may have been an association like this.