

1 つるぬま

2 つるま

3 かくぬま

4 かくま





因みに為真(ためざに)は白鳥の南に当たり、白鳥と共に越前の影響が強い地であるにも関わらず、東部方言がしぶとく残っていることになる。古層の言語が美しく生きているという顛末、いかがでしたか。                                              髭じいさん


This time, I’m going to change things up and write the title without using kana. I want you to understand how difficult place names are to read. ”鶴沼” is a small administrative unit in Shirotori no Tamezani, and it seems to be a place name with quite a long history. There are four ways to read it, so please choose the one that is actually called.

1 Tsurunuma

2 Tsuruma

3 Kakunuma

4 Kakuma

how is it. 1, ”Tsurunuma” may be the most common. The ”Tsuru” and ”Numa” are kun-yomi Japanese reading, so it will feel natural. However, it is actually called ”Kakuma” of 4. Even ”kaku-numa” of 3, which is used with the chinese reading ”kaku” and the Japanese reading ”numa,” seems strange, but since the ”nu” is further missing, very few people can read it. Who is there?

I have previously written that Sugo in Hachiman has a katakana place name called ”Kakuma”. I guessed that ”Kakuma” was ”Kahakuma” or ”河隈 Kaha-kuma.” In addition, it is sometimes expressed as ”角間 Kakuma,” ”河熊 Kakuma,” and ”鹿熊 Kakuma,” which are thought to be common place names in eastern Japan.

When I learned that ”鶴沼” was pronounced ”Kakuma”, I finally began to think that it was related to ”Kakuma” in Sugo. That’s a poor thing to do. I was inspired to write this because I thought the usage of the word was beautiful, even though it is understood far from its etymology. The image of ”Kahakuma or Kakuma” is the inside of a large bend in a river, but sufficient exploration has not been done to determine if this is the correct topography. I’m imagining a land that is easily covered by water and has been developed from wetlands and swamps into rice paddies.

So, when I think of ”Tsuru-numa crane-swamp,” I imagine a picture of a crane descending into a swamp. Even if they lose track of its origin, the sound ”Kakuma” remains, and the name ”Tsuru-numa” reminds us of a beautiful scene, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is a refreshing drink.

Incidentally, Tamezani is located south of Shirotori, and although it is a region that, along with Shiratori, has strong Echizen influence, the eastern dialect still persists. What do you think about the detail that the languages ​​of ancient times are alive and well?


ref. several ”Kakuma”s are expressed in kanji here, pls check out the style of them carefully.



