









『周禮』天官瘍醫によれば「以苦養氣」とあり、古くから苦みは気を養うとされてきた。                                             髭じいさん

Bitterness is the taste of summer

If something sad or painful happens, you won’t be able to calm down and enjoy the taste, and the same goes if your mind is filled with worries. Although I am a poor old man, I’m not in much pain and have more joy than worry.

It’s hot everyday,isn’t it? We’ve had an air conditioner running in our living room for several years now, and we’ve been enjoying a comfortable summer. However, when I went up to my room on the second floor, it was no exaggeration to say that it was a scorching hell.

There is a lot of snow in this area, so many houses have corrugated iron roofs to make the roofs lighter. This is probably why there are excellent sheet metal shops all over the place, supporting the town. However, since corrugated iron conducts heat, it heats up the entire second floor, and the heat does not cool down until midnight. Even if the windows and doors are left open all day long, the heat is hard for my old body to bear. Therefore, I try to replenish myself with an appropriate amount of salt and water before going to bed. I’ve come close to getting heat stroke and have experienced the pain of it, so it’s best to be careful.

This is how I can manage to survive even in this harsh heat. If they’re alive, they’ll be hungry. For some reason, I don’t eat somen very often this year. In the summer, I often eat somen and soba, which are cold and have a smooth texture.

A few times during this time, I ate stir-fried foods like bitter gourd champuru as a side dish. When I ate bitter melon for the first time this year, its bitterness was refreshing. For a moment, I felt like I was going to have a reaction of rejection. No, wait, isn’t this bitterness exactly what I was looking for? Continuing eating, I began to calm down.

I used to hate green peppers. I think it was when I was in elementary school, but I’m not sure. It was quite bitter for me. Since I had a large family, they never made it easy for me to eat. So I had no choice but to eat anything to be prepared for me.

By chance, my mother made me a dip. she simply cut it into strips, lightly boiled it in hot water, drained it, and topped it with shaved bonito flakes, but it was strangely delicious. I’ve always liked spinach and komatsuna dipping sauce, so maybe she made it for me as a test. After this, I was able to eat green peppers normally.

When I think of bitterness in the summer, I think of beer. Having a drink together after work, or after coming home and taking a bath, is something special. I don’t drink it as much now, but for some reason I can drink it naturally when my kids are home.

It seems that people can experience all five tastes. It is said to be sour, spicy, salty, bitter, and sweet. It is not popular to apply it to the five elements, but for some reason I have the image of acidity as spring and bitterness as summer.

According to the book ”Zhou Rei,” Heavenly Guan Medicine, bitterness has been said to nourish Qi since ancient times.




