1 初音の「笠ドヤ」は「笠-ドヤ」に分けられよう。「ドヤ」に注目すると、「宿(ヤド)」を逆から読んで「ドヤ」になったと考えられよう。この他、「ヤ-ドヤ」に拘る人もいる。
2 和良筋の土京、鹿倉の「笠垣内(かさかきうち)は、これだけでは判断が難しいが、土京の「コセ」、鹿倉の「コセ垣内(かきうち)」が関連すると思われる。「コセ」だけなら「小瀬」なども考えられるとしても、郡上で「小瀬」は「ヲゼ」と読まれることが多いし、瀬取の大瀬子、小瀬古は「おおーセコ」「こ-セコ」であって「コセ」とは読めない。私は一つの案として「こせ-かさ」と解している。これなら、やはり「瘡(かさ)」に関連しそうである。どちらにも「笠」「コセ」がある点が偶然とは考えにくい。
3 又、勝皿の「笠掛洞」もこれだけでは判断しにくいが、この地区に「ドヤ洞」という通称地名がある。勝皿へは八幡から舟で渡る便が古くからあったようで、やはり白山信仰の参道にあたる地である。長良川左岸にある大きな歩岐を避けるためだと思われる。この地区には、更に比丘尼平(ビクニひら)という通称地名がある。
4 相生の「笠神」もこれだけでははっきりしない。天然痘などに苦しむ者達が治癒を願ってここへ参っただけかも知れないが、私はこの付近にある比丘尼という小字が気になっている。ここは長良川筋から那比へ行く街道になっており、高賀山信仰の参道である。人の行き来も多かったのではあるまいか。
だからと言って、私は凡ての比丘尼地名をこれらの感染症に結び付けているわけではない。清廉な者達も多かっただろう。一歩一歩実証していく所存である。 髭じいさん
Kasa place name seen as a sore
It is extremely difficult to elevate place names to a field of history because it is unclear when they were named. But I can’t give up easily. Place names are often ones that are still in use today, so if you don’t pay close attention to them, you may get criticized. Even recently, Myogata has been changed to Meiho, and Hanzai in Minami has been changed to Yasaka, perhaps because they dislike homophones. It would be fair to say that they are very particular about the land where they live. If what I am about to write causes discomfort to local people, I am wondering whether I should stop writing it.
At present, I have picked out some Kasaji names that I consider to be kasa (sore 瘡), and they are as follows.
1 Hatsune’s ”Kasadoya” can be divided into ”Kasa-Doya”. If we focus on ”Doya”, we can think of ”Doya” as ”Yado” (inn) read backwards. In addition to this, there are also people who are obsessed with ”ya-do-ya”.
There is also a place name for an inn in Gujo, which is purposely read backwards, so it seems safe to think of ”Doya” as a slang word. Kodarasuji is the main approach to worship at Mt. Hakusan, and it was probably visited not only by worshipers but also by travelers such as comedians and peddlers. Also, ”Doya” is used to mean a private brothel or a brothel. Because they interacted with a large number of unspecified people, it is possible that infectious diseases such as syphilis could spread. There is a place called ”Bikuni” located in Hatsune. It is said that many young people from the neighborhood also frequented it.
2. It may be difficult to judge the Kasa-kakiuchi in Kakura and Dokyo in Warasuji, but it is thought that the Kose in Dokyo and the Kose Kakiuchi in Kakura are related. If only ” kose” is used, ”小瀬 kose shallows” may also be considered, but in Gujo, ”小瀬 kose” is often read as ”woze,” and Oseko and Koseko in Setori are ”Oh-seko” and ”Ko-seko.” However, it cannot be read as “Kose”. I interpret it as “kose-kasa” as one idea. If this is the case, then it seems to be related to ”瘡 kasa sore.” It is difficult to think that it is a coincidence that both have ”Kasa 笠” and ”Kose.”
3. Also, although it is difficult to judge Kassara’s ”Kasakake-bora” from this alone, there is a place in this area that is commonly known as ”Doya-bora.” It seems that there has been a boat ride from Hachiman to Kassara for a long time, and it is a place that serves as the approach to Mt. Hakusan. This seems to be to avoid the large rock on the left bank of the Nagara River. This area also has a common name, Bikuni-hira.
4 Aioi’s ”Kasagami” is not clear from this alone. It may just be that people suffering from smallpox came here to pray for healing, but I’m interested in the small administrative unit Bikuni near here. This is the road leading from the Nagara River to Nabi, and is the approach to worship at Mt. Koga. There must have been a lot of people coming and going.
However, I do not associate all Bikuni place names with these infectious diseases. There were probably many honest people. We intend to demonstrate this step by step.
bearded old man