ゴーヤも食べ始めは苦みが勝っていたが、味覚が馬鹿になってきたからかやっと美味しさが分かるようになり、夏の定番になった。近頃のゴーヤは前程苦みがないような気がするが、単なる憶測に過ぎないかも知れない。 髭じいさん
Bitter gourd
I passed by it as usual. It is an unmanned sales booth in front of a long-established clothing store. Recently, the store has been cleared of all its products and is now empty. However, the unmanned market with vegetables in a large styrofoam box is still going strong. When I talked to the shop owner when I had my change, she told me that she was renting her storefront to a friend of hers, so it seems that they are still in business as usual.
That afternoon, I was asked to do some shopping at the supermarket. There was quite a list, but I bought everything relatively smoothly, but I couldn’t find the bitter gourd. I asked the store staff, and they told me that they hadn’t stocked any that day. I felt bad, but I had no choice but to go home. This happened a few hours later, so I must have had an afterimage somewhere in my mind. I looked in the box as usual and found something that looked like bitter gourd. Because I wasn’t mentally prepared, I’d gone a little too far. It was large and had a 150 yen note attached to it. When I put the money in the can and put it in the basket of my bicycle, I felt a bit elated, as if I had completed an unfinished task.
I think I’ve eaten bitter gourd once or twice so far this year. In my house, it’s standard to stir-fry it with pork and tofu, and we arbitrarily call it “goya chanpuru”.The bitterness is gentle on the fatigue of summer.
I wonder when I started eating it. I don’t remember clearly. Okinawa was returned to Japan around 1972, so I may have eaten it around that time. However, I don’t have a clear memory of eating it as a university student, so it must have been around the time I moved here. Even so, it’s been almost fifty years.
I was finally able to eat green peppers when I was in junior high school. For some reason, I remember this clearly. Until then, I found them bitter and I wasn’t a fan. I’ve heard that when young, our sense of taste is fresh and sharp, and I wonder if that was the case for me. I boiled some green peppers, drained them, sprinkled them with bonito flakes and ate them with soy sauce, and they were delicious, and I was able to eat them all in one go. I think it’s because I found them more refreshing than bitter. Most other scenes have now disappeared, but that sensation remains.
When I first started eating bitter gourd, it was too bitter, but perhaps because my sense of taste has become duller, I have finally come to appreciate its deliciousness, and it has become a summer staple. I feel that bitter gourds these days are not as bitter as they used to be, but that may just be a guess.