









『莊子』に「大惑者 終身不解 大愚者 終身不靈」(外篇 天地篇第十二・14)という文がある。釋文によると「靈 曉也」となっているので、「大いに惑う者は一生解けないし、大いに愚かな者は死ぬまで通暁することはない」あたり。

これは私の一生を簡潔に表している。ウグイスのような溌溂とした気高さは望めないとしても、歎くのはやめ、大愚のまま中途半端を続けたい。                                              髭じいさん

Great fool

In the middle of the rainy season, I can hear the song of the Japanese bush warbler even though it is raining. Although it seems to be hoarse from the sound of the rain, it is still a youthful and elegant song. I have always thought that I was foolish since I was young, but it seems that I was not.

There is something I have been working on for many years since my youth: restoring ancient phonology. At the time, I didn’t have any grand ideas or ambitions, I just hoped to understand something small while I was still alive.

But if you get closer and then move away, and then get closer and then move away again, even a fool can see that it was just a mirage that was beyond my reach. When I reached a certain point, I felt a sense of accomplishment, but in reality, I had hardly made any progress. Every time, I painfully realized that I was only deluding myself into thinking that I had made progress.

But I still want some kind of result. I want to think that what I’m doing has meaning, by coming up with various theories. I feel like this has become my fuel.

But, the goal is so vague that no matter how much I build it, it ends up being nothing more than a castle made of sand. I’ve been doing this for decades without getting tired of it. This was foolish in two senses: I was overconfident in my abilities, and the goal was too far away. Foolishness doesn’t quite sum it up, so the word “extremely foolish” is more appropriate.

I feel like my burning enthusiasm has faded recently. I thought that if I set a short-term goal and work hard at it, I would see some results, and if I kept doing that, I would find a clue to solving a difficult problem. But my tactic of doing so was no longer enough.

Thinking about it carefully, I had a weak confidence that I could achieve some results. However, I guess I gradually lost my enthusiasm when I realized that it was just a dream to somehow achieve it while I was still alive.

What should I do? Should I continue this way as long as I have life left? Even if I continue until I die, it will probably only be half-hearted. It would be a nuisance to others if I were to seek a teacher at this point, and I feel it would be difficult to find like-minded persons.

How can I recover? I think the reason I’m losing my energy is because I have a strong desire to achieve some results while I’m still alive. I have no choice but to suppress my desire. There is no surefire way to revive me.

In the Zhuangzi, there is a passage that reads, “The great perplexed will never understand for the rest of their lives, and the great fool will never understand until they die.” According to the Interpretaion, it is written as “Spirit is dawning,” so it means something like, “The great perplexed will never solve difficult problems for the rest of their lives, and the great fool will never be well acquainted until they die.”

This is a concise description of my life. Even if I can’t hope to achieve the lively nobility of a Japanese bush warbler, I want to stop lamenting and continue to live half-heartedly as a great fool.


