


1 溝上(みぞうへ、みぞかみ)、溝下(みぞした)

2 溝尻

3 溝添(みぞそへ)



1 ミゾ(水処、みずどころ)の転

2 ミソソギ(水注 みずそそぎ)の略転

3 ミは水の義、ソは「ソコ」の略

4 ミソ(水添 みずそへ)

あたり。溝が溝上から溝尻までの水流を表すわけだから、極所にかぎるものは食指が動かない。また人工の用水路とみるのも難しいだろう。私は「ミソ 水添」説に魅力を感じているものの、溝添(みぞそへ)という地名が五カ所ほどあって、「添え」が重なる点に納得がいかない。となれば、自分で仮説をたてるほかなかろう。幸い飛騨地区を中心に中濃、北濃、東濃の美濃地区で「沢(さは)」が「そ、ぞ」と読まれる例が相当数あるので、私は「ミゾ」を「水沢」と解してみたい。

だとすれば用例が多いことも、集落から上流へ遡れば「みぞ-うへ」「みぞ-うれ」となりこれらが重なっているとすれば溝上(みぞうへ)が多い点も納得しやすい。これが岐阜県に限った話なのかどうかはこれからの課題としておく。                                 髭じいさん

溝 (Mizo Groove)

Even though this time it is based on Gifu Prefecture, I am a little nervous because it is a theme that may spread outside the prefecture. Although it is a little far-fetched, I think it is a reasonable hypothesis.

In Gifu Prefecture, there are many Mizo names in the Hida region, including the former Yoshiki County, Ono County, Takayama City, and Masuda County, followed by the Mino region, with more than 50 examples. It would be cumbersome to list each example, so I’d like to list the main ones,

1. 溝上 (Mizouhe, Mizokami upstream), 溝下 (Mizoshita downstream)

2. 溝尻 (Mizojiri estuary)

3. 溝添 (Mizusohe near the groove)

Other than these, most of the terms indicate the location of the groove, such as 溝口 (Mizoguchi entrance) and 溝脇 (Mizowaki nearby), and among them, 溝上(Mizokami) accounts for more than half for some reason.

There are several theories about the origin of the word “mizo,” but the one I personally think is the most likely is:

1. 水処 (Mizo (water place)

2. 水注 (Abbreviation of misosogi water pouring)

3. Mi means water, and So is an abbreviation of “其処 (soko pointed place, there)”

4. 水添 (Mizusohe added near the groove)

That’s about it. Since the groove represents the water flow from the top to the end of the stream, I’m not interested in the fixed place. It would also be difficult to see it as an artificial irrigation channel. Although I am attracted to the “Mizusohe” theory, there are about five place names called Mizusohe, and I am not convinced that the “sohe” overlaps. In that case, I have no choice but to make my own hypothesis. Fortunately, there are a considerable number of examples in the Mino region of Chunou, Hokunou, and Tonou, mainly in the Hida region, where “saha” is called as “so, zo,” so I would like to interpret “mizo” as “水沢 mizusaha.”

If that is the case, it is easy to understand why there are so many examples, and then why there are so many examples of 溝上, because if you go upstream from the settlement, both Mizo-uhe and Mizo-ure can be included.

Whether this is limited to Gifu Prefecture is a topic for future discussion.




